Home Villa argentina Credits


The Villa Argentina website is property of the Province of Lucca


Conception: Communication Office of the Province of Lucca
Planning and realization: soc. Lucense

General coordination
Director Rossana Sebastiani, Director of the Service of coordination of the City and Society Politics, Equal Opportunities, Cultural Goods' Development, Statistic and Communication

With the collaboration of the Development of Cultural Goods Office, the Informational Systems Office, the Logistic Office and the Press Office of the Province of Lucca

The new graphic logo has been realized thanks to the venture of the Communication Office of the Province of Lucca and designed by the visual designer Stefano De Martino


Translations: Corrado De Mori

Contents addition: Simone Dal Canto, Veronica Franchi, Corrado De Mori, Vanessa Buchignani

Pictures: [...]


Thanks to everyone who, during the years, worked with professionalism and competence to the project of preservation, restoration and development of Villa Argentina